Friday, October 14, 2011

Book: Diamond. Ch. 1

OK, so, again, I fail at blogging. So shoot me; I knew this would happen. I can never remember to update these things, or if I do remember, I don't have time or I can't think of something to write. OR....I do think of something to write, and it's all coherent and eloquent, but it all comes to me at like...midnight while I'm lying in bed and unable to start clacking away on a computer. Go figure.

Anyways. NEWS.

On Sunday -- October 2nd -- we picked up our newest foster dog from the SSPCA after spending the day volunteering there at their once-a-month S&N feral cat clinic. Before I go into awesome foster doggy ness, can I just say that volunteering at the clinic is GREAT?! If you have one in your area that allows for volunteer help, I recommend trying at least once. It's such a fulfilling thing to do, and I immensely enjoy it. While there isn't much in way of actual cat cuddling, since you're pretty much dealing with only drugged-up, knocked-out kitties of the feral variety (trust me, most would eat your face if they could; you don't really want to hug a totally feral cat), it's nice to know that you're making some differences in the populations, and giving them at least a few hours of warm, dry security. At least, this is what you're doing if you're in the recovery room.

And the people who volunteer here are, yes, primarily CAT LADIES, but many of them are amazing and care so deeply for the lives of these animals that many think are trash.

It's just a great thing to volunteer with.

Anyways. On to the awesome foster dog. And she is QUITE awesome.
Meet ....Queen Diamond. Or as we like to call her: Diamond. Or Potato. Honestly, I don't know what's up with some of the names shelters give pets, but...oh well.

Diamond is a chunky pit-mix, who when we took her in was recovering from surgery to remove a mass from her foot, as well as a nasty case of kennel cough. She is now ambling around with a torn ACL, which we just learned of today when I took  her to the vet's. She has been limping and not putting weight on her foot for the two weeks we've had her, but we always attributed it to her foot until this past Monday, since, well... her foot is pretty much healed and her walking is none-the-better. She'll be having surgery some time within the next two weeks as soon as the vet at the SSPCA talks with the two vets in the area who are actually capable of doing this surgery, and doing it well (there are only four down in the Bay Area where my parents live, and where my family's dog also has a torn ACL). But not to worry, she'll be right as rain, and all I care(d) about was that she wouldn't be put to sleep.

Aside from her health issues, she has been the best gem ever. She was potty/house trained from the get-go, and we've never had an accident in the house. She also took to the crate in a couple days -- though recently she's been whining again when we've put her in there. I think she's getting spoiled. Great. She's also low energy, preferring to just sleep all day wherever you are in the house, or getting up to take the trek to the mailbox. She is also EXTREMELY TOLERANT. She would be great with children, since she tolerates all of our shenanigans with patient ease. And we believe she is dog friendly/social, though we can't tell since she can't meet other dogs yet. But she hasn't shown any aggression towards any, even the annoying golden retriever across the complex, or to the Monster Pug.  She whines at dogs, but doesn't go ape shit like Sunny would. Thank god... because getting Diamond to focus on you during walks is difficult, to be honest. I mean, she walks just fine on a lease, but I like to be able to get a dog's attention to sit and 'watch me' when needed, and as much as Diamond likes her meals, she couldn't give two shits about the treats in your hand no matter location and scenery.

Stubborn, internally motivated dog, I think, would be the most apt name for her base personality. She loves praise and pets and affection, though not like some dogs who melt to puddles of love-goo as soon as you smile at them. So IDK what really would motivate her on walks. Luckily we don't have many problems where I would need an answer to that question. She does at least have great eye contact when I'm making her wait to eat dinner.

But yeah, she's amazing.

Name: Diamond
Nicknames: Potato, Potato Dog, Squidge, Hey.
Age: ~4
Breed: Pit bull mix, possibly Shar-pei.
Powers: Unwavering Tolerance, Smiling, really weird paw pads.
Likes: Pettings, dinner, couches, blankets, children, eating her own poo (yes...eugh... she's a poo-eater. Working on that).
Dislikes: Crate, having pills shoved down her throat, relinquishing the couch, car washes.
Health: Fat (but has lost 7 pounds!), torn ACL, kennel cough.

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